No two clients are the same. That is why we provide comprehensive solutions specifically tailored for your unique needs to manage your wealth and achieve your goals.


Retirement Planning

Personalized advice goes beyond evaluating numbers to give you insightful retirement strategies. Our approach begins with a deep understanding of what truly matters to you and how your needs might evolve – to ensure your plan today meets the needs of your tomorrow.

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Tax Planning

Taxes are a critical consideration that impact every aspect of your financial life. As part of a holistic planning approach, we’ll integrate sophisticated tax planning solutions to help manage the complexities of your wealth and ensure your overall plan is tax-efficient.

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Investment Planning*

We are guided by a disciplined investment approach that leverages the combined talents of IG Wealth Management’s investments team and leading global investment partners. This helps unlock a world of opportunity, so you can confidently pursue your goals and financial well-being. (*Offered through Investors Group Securities Inc.)

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Insurance Planning

The value of the role that insurance plays in life has increased for many people. We can help you develop a well-constructed insurance plan, that will benefit your current financial situation and help reduce the chances of future financial challenges.

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Cash and Liquidity Management

Tailored cash and liquidity strategies will increase your flexibility to help you seize opportunities as they arise. By examining your cash flow and borrowing requirements, within a holistic financial plan, we will provide solutions that address your current lifestyle and goals for the future.

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Estate Planning

Creating a legacy for the people, organizations and causes you care about requires proactive planning. We will help you create a carefully structured estate plan that reflects your unique wishes, protects your wealth and provides clarity to those you love.

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Business Succession

You have built your business to where it is today. We can help you plan for what happens next. A successful transition of your business is a critical aspect of your financial well-being. We can help you navigate the key decisions to help you achieve your goals.

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Charitable Giving

There are multiple benefits to your generosity. This includes integrating charitable giving as an important strategic component of your overall financial plan. A carefully constructed giving plan can benefit both you and the causes you care about.

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Intergenerational Wealth

The successful transfer of wealth between you and your children begins with a conversation. With the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in Canada approaching, it’s important to be prepared. We can help with that conversation and help you build a sustainable plan.

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Post-Secondary Education Planning

Post-secondary education costs could be an important factor in your family’s overall financial picture. Whether you’re planning for your children or grandchildren’s future, we can help you determine the education savings strategies that make the most sense for you

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